Mar 2, 2023Liked by Ryan Butta

Aah, Ryan - your thoughtful essay something of a side-eye look at the US Declaration of Independence and its claims of inalienable rights given to all humans by their Creator of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". You identify the small moments of euphoria which we are, if fortunate enough to experience - able to fondly look back upon (as you alert the reader to Charmian Clift's observation) or at times, too, to anticipate. For me, randomly recalled, blackberrying in Bendemeer; moments along the 88-temple pilgrimage of Shikoku; eating something simple at El Rana Verde in Aranjuez on the floor leaning out over el rio Tajo; meeting up with friends in Seoul; eating rollmops with a bier in the Viktualienmarkt during time in München; walking the Hagi Ō-kan through the mountains of Yamaguchi-ken - by myself and singing loudly when encountering the sign warning of bears. I think I am confirming your own summation - food, nature, friends, rivers... Thanks for the tale of Bar Santurce and of its existence from 1977 - the year in which my wife and I lived the first half in Madrid. But we knew el Rastro - and a memorable visit one week-end just before the first democratic elections since before Franco's assumption of power in the mid-latter 1930s - when the mood was electric and when the crowd began running down the main street of stalls and businesses we were inside one as the shutters were rapidly rolled down - and after a time cautiously raised again. Enabling our departure and return to our residence in the Cuatro Caminos quarter (between Castellan and Brovo Murillo - and just several minutes' walk from Estadio Santiago Bernabéu.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Ryan Butta

That last sentence really resonated with me today and was just what I needed to read. Thank you for sharing mate.

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Really enjoyed this one Ryan - the way you have told this story....through short and long range views. Being present in the Sardine shop and then considering life long pursuits like "happiness". I have a friend that was told by his doctor to practice noticing the small things when on a long walk.... like a bird or a plant. My friend then asked me "how do I do that?".... and I felt shocked that he asked me this question. How has he gotten though life and not gone mad without knowing how to notice a bird I thought. As you have written happiness resides in little experienced moments - like the smell of rain, the silver glint of a sardine......or the chance spotting of a platypus! Ohh imagine spotting a platypus....and the happiness in that!!

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